342: Thatcher Wine | Keeping Your Focus On Single Items In “The Twelve Monotasks”

Are you able to do one thing at a time with full presence or concentration? What are categories of life that we can look at to bring this full presence to? Self-improvement author and bibliophile Thatcher Wine joins us on episode 342 of the show to detail twelve such examples from his book The Twelve Monotasks: Do One Thing At A Time.

Thatcher Wine is a Self-improvement author, professional book curator, bibliophile, and founder of Juniper Books. He is mostly known for designing and creating visually appealing custom curated book libraries. The Guardian and Town & Country have referred Wine as a “celebrity bibliophile”. Wine co-authored his first book Love of Books: Designing and Curating a Home Library in 2019. The book is about curating and designing private libraries.

Links: Personal Website | Instagram | Twitter | Juniper Books



